Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Halamak.Lately nie, aq berdepan dgn stalker yang totally silly la. Die menggelarkan diri as stalker 3. Ad kerw die cakap aq nie kurang kasih sayang. Ap motif wei.Nak cakap ko knal aq x lak kan. Ko knal aq kerw? Btw, ur comment bout me sooooo cute, but obviously show ur silliness.Hahaha.


In love, it is better to be know and disappointed, than to not know and always wonder.


We are shape and fashioned by what we love.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Ooooooooooooh. Aq benar-benar tak faham dengan manusia sekarang nie. Kenapa kalau kita menegur,mereka akan melenting dengan cepat. Kita menegur untuk kebaikan,bukan untuk kesesatan. Ini lah budak melayu zaman sekarang. Macam mana nak berubah menjadi lebih baik kalau satu teguran pun tidak dapat diterima.

Friday, October 23, 2009

I Love U..

Many of us have difficulties with those three little words. Those who have been "toughened" in their childhoods or by life will often be unable to say, "I love you." Some of us will place a huge barrier between ourselves and those words, a barrier such as: "I can't say them until I know the other person is my life-mate." Thus we fail to acknowledge that we have a problem. The difficulty with saying the words "I love you" without any feeling attached is also prevalent, and is particularly confusing to children. The ability to say the words "I love you" with feeling is essential. The ability to appropriately express those words in a nonsexual context to men, women and children is a good indicator of emotional health.

Thursday, October 8, 2009


Macam-macam alasan yang diberikan oleh mereka nie.Penat betul aku nak menyiapkan assgnmnt.Kalau aku dan Sheka je yang beria nak siapkan assgnmnt, tapi markah semua sama mmng marah aku.Tolong la.Ni ke yang dinamakan team work!!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Beraya ke rumah Peter

Haha.Semalam,aku,yuny dan ana beraya ke rumah Peter yang bertempat di Puncak Alam.Nama tempat memang grand,tapi,nak menuju ke tempat uh bapak la sukar.Banyak- banyak beraya,nie la beraya yang memenatkan.Dengan Peter bagi direction yang salah,lagi la kiteorang berpusing-pusing kat kawasan Shah Alam uh.Nak pakai Peter punya direction,satu minggu pun tak jumpa jalan nak sampai rumah dia.Kitaorang tertanya-tanya macam mana la Peter balik rumah kan.Hurm,banyak assumption yang kitaorang buat sepanjang kesesatan kitaorang uh.Kata Yuny,Peter balik rumah tutup mata,tahu-tahu jerw da sampai rumah.Kata aku pulak,Peter balik macam cara Doraemon kot.Merentas masa la katakan.Sebab uh tak tahu guna jalan mana.Hehe.Lawak- lawak Peter ni.Terpaksa la kitaorang bertanya direction pada kawan ana.Berguna juga kawan ana uh.Hihi.Sampai juga kitaorang kat rumah Peter.Kitaorang disambut oleh Junny yang chumel.Ada ke patut dia panggil aku Gossip Girl.Haha..Nie jela pic yang sempat aku selitkan dalam diari aku ni.

Sunday, October 4, 2009


Selamat menduduki PMR yang akan datang dalam beberapa hari sahaja.Haha,aq dapat predict berapa yang kau akan score PMR nie.Selamat berjaya my big bro..

Ciri-ciri manusia yang aku tak suka kat muka bumi ni.

Nak cakap aku perfect tak lah pulak.Tapi ciri-ciri ni memang benar-benar membuatkan aku naik menyampah.Ini antara ciri-ciri manusia yang aku tak suka(buat masa ni)

Tolong la.aku memang tak suka dengan insan macam ni.Nak berlagak bagus salah tempat la.Kalau kau tak tahu apa-apa, buat la cara tak tahu.Jangan la berlagak macam orang pro.Aku tengok cara kau bukan macam pro tapi macam budak pra.Tahu tak pra tue apa?Kalau kau tak tahu,kau pergi tanya adik-adik kau.
Ni pun sama.Manyampah gila aku dengan orang macam nie.Huh..Fikir kau tu siapa nak berlagak macam tu.Kalau kau tu somebody,tak heran la aku ko nak berlagak setinggi langit.Nie tak.Kau bukan siapa- siapa pun.Orang kenal kau pun disebabkan sifat buruk kau tu.

Faham tak konsep meminjam!!Kalau dah pinjam barang orang tu,faham-faham lah jaga harta tu macam mana kau jaga harta kau.Jangan lah kau fikir harta tue bukan duit kau ,so kau suka hati jerw nak lepas tangan.Tahu lak kau marah bila barang kau rosak,tapi bila kau rosak kan barang orang lepas tangan lak kau yerw.Kurang didikan betul la kau nie.

Nie pun sama.Aku tak suka betul dengan orang macam nie.Pandang aku macam aku ada hutang dengan kau.Membencikan betul.Kalau tak puas hati cakap depan-depan.Tak payah la kau nak pandang aku dengan cara macam tue.Aku pun tak tahu apa yang aku dah buat dengan kau.Yelah.Orang macam tu siapa nak pandang kan.Huh..

Spesis ni aku tak tahu la macam mana nak ajar.Hurm,aku tak suka kalau ada kawan macam nie.Bila susah ingat kawan(disini),bila suka dengan kawan(disana) lupa la kawan (disini).Yela.Ramai kawan lah katakan.Hurm.Tahulah siapa (disini) kalau nak dibandingkan dengan disana.Kalau nak berkawan,buat la cara nak berkawan.Jangan sampai ada yang terasa.


Hate her damn much!!

Thursday, October 1, 2009


Today I found a friend,
Who knew everything I felt.
She knew my every weakness,
And the problems I've been dealt.
She understood my wonders,
And listened to my dreams.
She listened to how I felt about life and love,
And knew what it all means.

Not once did she interrupt me,
Or tell me I was wrong.
She understood what I was going through,
And promised she'd stay long

How to Tell if a Guy Is Cheating

He’s superprotective of his gadgets

He steps up the grooming

He smells different

Nothing fazes him anymore

He becomes suspicious of you

Spice of life

1. It hurts to love someone and not be loved in return, but
what is the most painful is to love someone and never finding the
courage to let the person know how you feel.

2. Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before
meeting the right one so that when we finally meet the right
person, we should know how to be grateful for that gift.

3. Love is when you take away the feeling, the passion, the
romance- and you find out you still care for that person.

4. A sad thing about life is that when you meet someone who
means a lot to you only to find out in the end that it was never
bound to be and you just have to let go.

5. When one door of happiness closes, another opens but often we
look so long at the closed door that we don't see the one which has
been opened for us.

6. The best kind of friend is the one you could sit on a porch,
swing with, never say a word, and then walk away feeling like
that was the best conversation you've had.

7. Its' true that we don't know what we've got until we lose it,
but it's also true that we don't know what we've been missing
until it arrives.

8. Giving someone all your love is never an assurance that
they'll love you back! don't expect love in return, just wait for
it to grow in their hearts but if it doesn't, be content it grew in

9. There are things you love to hear but you would never hear
it from the person whom you would like to hear it from, but don't
be deaf to hear it from the person who says it with his heart.

10. Never say goodbye when you still want to try - never give
up when you still feel you can take it - never say you don't love
that person anymore when you can't let go.

11. Love comes to those who still hope even though they've been
disappointed, to those who still believe even though they've been
betrayed, need to love those who still love even though they've
been hurt before.

12. It takes a minute to have a crush on someone, an hour to
like someone and a day to love someone - but it takes a lifetime
to forget someone.

13. Don't go for looks' it can deceive; don't go for wealth - even
that fades away. go for someone who makes you smile coz' only a
smile makes a dark day seem bright. hope you find that person.

14. There are moments in life when you really miss someone that you
want to pick them from your dreams and hug them for real! hope you
dream of that someone.

15. Dream what you want to dream; go where you want to go; be what
you want to be cuz you have only one life and one chance to do all
the things you want in life.

16. May you have enough happiness to make you sweet, enough trials
to make you strong, enough sorrow to keep you human, enough hope
to make you happy and enough money to buy me gifts :)

17. Always put yourself in other's shoes. if you feel that it hurts
you, it probably does hurt the person, too.

18. A careless word may kindle strife; a cruel word may wreck a
life; a timely word may level stress; a loving word may heal and

19. The beginning of love is to let those we love be perfectly
themselves, and not to twist them with our own image - otherwise,
we love only the reflection of ourselves we find in them.

20. The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of
everything; they just make the most of everything that comes along
their way.

21. Happiness lies for those who cry, those who hurt, those who
have searched and those who have tried. for only they can
appreciate the importance of people who have touched their lives.

22. Love starts with a smile, develops with a kiss and ends
with a tear.

23. The brightest future will always be based on a forgotten
past, you can't go on well in life until you let go of your past
failures and heartaches.

24. When you were born, you were crying and everyone around you
was smiling - live your life so that when you die, you're smiling
and everyone around you is crying..

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

hearing loss

waaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!ape patut aq buat bgun tidur pagi tadi aq rase lain macam rase macam kelainan pada pendengaran aq.rase kurang selesa..huh!!baru aq taw telinga kanan aq x da jd OKU..waaa..nie sume gara-gara aq jatuh tempoh hari..since aq jatuh hari uh,macam-macam side effect y ada.firstly,leher aq bengkak,sampai nak minum pown susah,aq nak gelak pown susah cuz dada aq rase macam sempit jerw,,and now??hearing loss plak...x ley jadi nie..nak x nak,aq kne g hospital.laaa,,bencinye aq nk g hospital..bau dah cukup meloyakan..haaa...

Friday, July 10, 2009

" We can't stop"

Even thought it hurts,we keep repeating
Have u ever loved??
Like in the movies,where they fall in love at first sight..

Bragged to the world,
Waited in the pouring rain,
Ran like crazy towards him/her,
Gone crazy,
Pretended not to see him/her

Of course u have loved
Gone broken because of an anniversaries
Said sorry,even after u did well
Stayed up all the night,writing a love letter
Prayed to god for him/her not to hurt
Avoided friends
Watched his/her backs as his/her left

We loved him/her like crazy
We loved him/her to death,why?
We was really good to them,why?
He/She got us going crazy

No one noe what we are feeling
We can't stop

Have u ever broken up?
Had ur make up erased in the rain?
Cut your long hair?
Pick up a cigarettes,even thought u quit or never touch it?
Avoided a place,thinking that u would meet him/her
Take a pill or get drunk and dial him/her number
{-HELLO-} had ur lips freeze?

Hated him/her as much as u loved him/her
Erased a number that u couldn't forget
Celebrated an anniversaries on ur own
Burnt all the pictures

Thought that all the sad songs in this world were about u
Grab ur friends, and curse him/her..

Whatever we do,,we still can't stop


Here we are again..hampir 2 mnths la jugak aq x jmpe dak dowang nie..even aq,mel n ana da x jd roomate lg , but we still ad spirit of roomate ..hehe..cian mel ,, kne jd roomate ngan dak insaniah..haha..btw,,nie antara pic y sempat aq mik kat alamanda ngan dak dowang nie..

p/s:hope our friendship will last forever !!!take care dear..

Saturday, May 30, 2009


haha.happy gile hari nie nk dapat gaji.tapi,aq x taw r bape aq dapat.hurm,aq x kesah pown..yang penting aq dapat experiences.lalalala.. :)

11 JUN or 5 JUN ???

well,ini adalah tarikh keramat bagi student akan keluar diantara tarikh yang terpampang di atas rase cam nak mati sekarang nie.cuak nye..subject yang paling aq takut adalah costing.atoyai..hopefully x kantoi kat subject nie...

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Thank You and Loving You.

Hehe.thank you so much cuz sanggup buat ap sahaja supaya hati ain tenang.thank you sebab faham ain.setiap kali ain balik rumah jerw,mesti induk buat lawak supaya ain x rase tension lepas balik dari kerja.induk mesti faham yang ain tension kat tempat kerja,dengan demand customer.baru ain faham macam mane kehidupan sebagai seorang business woman.haha.rase menyesal lah pulak ambik course business study nie.btw,ain akan berusaha dan x akan give up.
ain sayang induk!!!! :)


Kelemahan aq y paling besar adalah,aq tak boleh ditegur oleh orang yang x de pelajaran.bukan nak meninggi diri tapi itu adalah perlu mengaku bahawa sifat ini adalah kurang elok.hurm,,masalah nye,orang tu berlagak macam taw semua hal.die x taw kerw,orang yang die tegur uh lebey pandai dari die.arghhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!aq benci orang tue..rase macam nak hentam jerw orang tue.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

I'm begging you.

Please,please,please,please,please,please,please,please,please,please abah.Ain nak keje.Ape lah abah nie.Ingat ain nie budak-budak lagi ke??Ain da 19 tahun kalau abah nak tahu taw.Ain bukan lagi kanak-kanak riang yang berumur 5 tahun yang lalu.Ain tahu yang abah tak sedar lagi bahawa ain sudah membesar menjadi gadis remaja.Abah fikir ain nie anak kecil yang yang memerlukan perlindungan,kawalan abah setiap masa.Ain tahu,abah memang susah nak lepaskan ain.Sebab ain nak kesayangan abahkan.Tapi abah,abah kene sedar yang suatu hari nanti,kita akan berpisah juga.So,abah kene belajar lepaskan ain perlahan -lahan ok.Dan jangan layan ain macam anak kecil lagi ok,abah...Ain akan terus merayu kat abah supaya bagi ain keje kat melaka sampai telinga abah bernanah..hehe...

p/s= Ain sayang abah sangat-sangat.mmmuahh.. (*_^)

Saturday, May 9, 2009


Its been a long time i not spend my time with this blog.actually, now,i'm totally heart,soul everything is hurt.because of that person.i'm so down by day,i can see ur true colour.i'm speechless..just because i can't believe "that person" is you.u are totally annoying me.yeah,i know,u already told me before,that u are not very kind person as i thought.but i still,,still want to believe with u,rely on u..i'm so sorry if i'm not saying any word to u today and saying goodbye.i need a time,to heal my hurt.GOOD BYE TO YOU..  :(

Sunday, April 26, 2009


ECO!!!..mengantuk gler aq hari nie.hurm...hari ni aq study eco dengan rakan-rakan seperjuangan ecoku hingga nak score subject nie..antara rakan seperjuangan aq itu adalah anis and ana.disebabkan aq dah terlalu mengantuk nak teruskan study eco nie,anis telah mencadangkan pelbagai alternative untuk menghilangkan ngantukku nie.hahaha..alternative yang dicadangkan oleh anis benar-benar membuatkan aq x boleh tidur..atoyai..baru aq faham kenapa guy boleh berjaga sampai ke pagi.bile call pagi-pagi tak bangun lagi..ngehehehe..ini adalah antara collection yang mampu aq snap..haha..enjoy it!!

haha.ini lah anis yang telah mencadangkan alternative tersebut..aksi ini diambil ketika environment sangat stress..dibelakang itu adalah aq.haa..time uh,aq sangat pening dengan cost of production.disebabkab terlampau banyak formula nye menyebabkan aq berkerut hingga menghasilkan beberapa lapis kerutan didahi..haha..

p/s:ilmu tidak berkat disebabkan alternative tersebut..

Thursday, April 23, 2009


characteristic y ad pd adeq aq "NOR RAHMAT"


mmng die nie penipu!!bleh mengalahkan joo yoo rin dlm cter "My Girl".hebat gle die nie menipu.kalo aq nk menipu pown,aq akn fikir dulu,,but die,, gler.x berfikir langsung y cter tipu die uh logik kerw x??juz aq dlm family jerw y taw hal sebenar psl die niey.prntz aq pkr die nie angel , aq , devil. lbey bek aq tunjuk sifat aq y sebenar dari berpura-pura mcm adeq aq niey.



Pic diatas telah menunjukkan dimana seorang adik cube menyakitkan aty kakaknye.tindak balas y diberi oleh kakaknye hanya membesarkan biji matanya.if adeq aq wat cam uh kt aq,akan ku potong lidahnya sampai da x bley nk jelir lagi.muahahaha!!!well,,adeq aq nie totally annoying rse cam nk bunuh diri jerw kalo kene kt die. nk gigit pown ad gak...!!!

Nk taw nape aq wat keburukan pasal adeq aq,cuz aq bru jerw lepas bergado+bertumbuk dengan die.nk tgk cm ne kteowng bertumbuk?? y menang!!

Inilah kehidupan seharian adik-beradik y "DAMAI"..btw,,

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

kami di karok..*_^

kegilanan melyssa

aq,nad n nana

gelak besar

ini antara pic y sempat aq dwlod dlm laptop.haha.pic nie diambil semalam veneu metro point.hurmm,,after incident h.h aq patah,roomate aq, ana bwk aq g karok bersama dengn mereka diatas.ini adalah sec time aq msuk karok.b4 this aq x bpe lyn bnde2 cm nie,cuz aq x ske nk nyanyi plus aq agk segan.haha.but,finally aq nyanyi gak.agak cam owng gla r kteowng especially mel,ana n nana.yang masih menjaga kesopanan of course r aq n nad.huhu..

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

i make my own april fool

OMG.thats word y mmpu aq ucapkan.haaa.this week mmng memalangkan r.atoyaii..class bel td,aq kne wat presantation.sedang aq present aq nye a sudden,high heel aq patah.bunyi patah uh kalo perlahan x pe r,,reduce r aq nye malu,tapi bunyi nye agak r kuat.everybody in e clasz wondering bunyi uh dtng dri mne.but,,lecturer aq taw aq nye h.h patah,n die wat bodo jerw..waaa..presentation masih berjalan n aq cbe nk balance kn body aq supaya budak2 dlam class x notice y h.h aq broke.hurmm.agak mcm ketam r aq td nk cover terfikir,mcm mne aq nk duduk balik kt meja aq dengan condition aq y "baik" uh??da r meja aq kt belakang,area,,nk x nk,,aq t'paksa duduk kt meja depan ...everybody in e class wondering npe aq duduk kt depan ,tp x duduk kt belakang...mesti dey'll terfikir benda y nonsense kn??haha..whatever..y pasti aq nk cover shoe aq..sbek r aq bwk spare leave it kt dlm kete.. so,aq mntak tolong ana ambil kn spare shoe aq uh..fuhhh..selamat aq..tapi,,otak aq still berfikir lagi,,cam mne aq nk kuar dari class nie?usually aq r y always bla awal dri class...but now,,aq bla lambat...lagi r tambah syak dak2 class aq nie..hurmmm...thinking punye thinking,,aq pown decide,,wat bodo sudah..asalkan aq ad shoe nk keluar dri,,clasz bel pown blk kt meja aq cuz nk mik stuff aq,,n boy2 kta belakang uh x bla2 pown.hurm mampus r diowang uh..what i care..finally dey'll pown realize y aq da x tnggi cam time aq msuk class td..n,one of this boy asked me,,nape ngan h.h aq??alamak rpenye die da sedar r h.h aq pown wat muke x malu jawab r shoe aq broke time aq nga presentation td..tindak balas dey'll agak r kerw patut dey'll gelak kn aq...huh..mesti cox aq jadi bahan....WHATEVER...!!!

bf mmbr aq sngt handsome.. x sngka bf die sangat handsome,gorgeous,awesome, nk menjerit cam orng gla td tgk boy die.(reality aq da jerit pown).bf die sangat handsome till student kolej aq pown x dpt kalahkan bf die r..rupe die cam kacuk mat salleh..handsome bf die uh wat kan sume gurlz kt tepi jalan tadi bley berhenti juz nk tengok die jerw..haha..x taw cm ne nk figure kn kehandsoman bf die uh..after this,,aq da x heran r ngan student kolej aq.^_*..haha.hurmm...mata aq nie special gle.skjp jerw dapat detect boy y handsome.huuuu...